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Get more interviews done, FASTER

From 4-in-1 one-way video interviewing, to tools tailored for bulk hiring, our platform helps recruiters work up to 1000% faster by streamlining every step of recruitment.

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Trusted by Recruiters & HR Teams Globally

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Video Interview

Designed to facilitate smooth and efficient interviews

Candidate Outreach

Connect with top-talent through targeted messaging

Interview Sharing

Share Interviews & feedback within the platform

Video to Email

Convert your video content into email-friendly formats

For Hiring Managers

Seriously improve your candidate conversion rate

  • Boost Candidate Conversion
  • Automate tasks to optimise your recruitment workflow
  • Engage candidates effectively with tailored communication
  • Utilise insights for refining recruitment strategies
  • Foster teamwork among recruiters & hiring teams

For Recruiters & HR Teams

Save Countless Hours on Interviewing

How does ClipDrop help increase business revenue?

ClipDrop’s versatile video ecosystem can also be leveraged for marketing purposes. Creating engaging marketing content using ClipDrop’s features can attract more customers, improve brand visibility, and ultimately drive revenue growth.

How do recruiters and HR teams save time on interviewing?

Conduct video interviews seamlessly, eliminating the need for scheduling conflicts and travel time associated with traditional in-person interviews.

What aspects of the interview process can we automate?

Recruiters can automate scheduling, reminders, and follow-up communication, freeing up time to focus on more strategic tasks. Additionally, features such as pre-recorded interview questions enable recruiters to evaluate candidates asynchronously, further optimising time management.

How does ClipDrop improve efficiency for recruiters?

By centralising the interview process within the ClipDrop platform, recruiters and HR teams can access candidate profiles, review interview recordings, and collaborate with colleagues more efficiently.

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Your turn to make a move

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